Frequently Asked Questions

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Jesse Smedley
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Jesse Smedley is the Principal Broker for iHealthBrokers and the founder, president, and CEO of Smedley Insurance Group, Inc. and Since the inception of SIG in 2007, Jesse has been dedicated to helping people save money on their health insurance by providing them with resources to educate themselves on all their health insurance options, both under age 65 and Medicare beneficiaries. He is featured in many publications as well as writes regularly for expert columns regarding health insurance and Medicare.

Q What is the first thing I should know about buying health coverage?

A Your aim should be to insure yourself and your family against the most serious and financially disastrous losses that can result from an illness or accident. If you are offered health benefits at work, carefully review the plans’ literature to make sure the one you select fits your needs. If you purchase individual coverage, buy a policy that will cover major expenses and pay them to the highest maximum level. Save money on premiums, if necessary, by taking large deductibles and paying smaller costs out-of-pocket.

Q Can I buy a single health insurance policy that will provide all the benefits I’m likely to need?

A No. Although you can select a plan or buy a policy that should cover most medical, hospital, surgical, and pharmaceutical bills, no single policy covers everything. Moreover, you may want to consider additional single-purpose policies like long-term care or disability income insurance. If you are over 65, you may want a Medicare supplement policy to fill in the gaps in Medicare coverage.

Q I’m planning to keep working after age 65. Will I be covered by Medicare or by my company’s health insurance?

A If you work for a company with 20 or more employees, your employer must offer you (through age 69) the same health insurance coverage offered to younger employees. After you reach age 65, you may choose between Medicare and your company’s plan as your primary insurer. If you elect to remain in the company plan, it will pay first – for all benefits covered under the plan – before Medicare is billed. In most instances, it is to your advantage to accept continued employer coverage.

But be sure to enroll in Medicare Part A, which covers hospitalization and can supplement your group coverage at no additional cost to you. You can save on Medicare premiums by not enrolling in Medicare Part B until you finally retire. Bear in mind, though, that delayed enrollment is more expensive and entails a waiting period for coverage.

Q I’ve had a serious health condition that appears to be stabilized. Can I buy individual health coverage?

A Depending on what your condition is and when it was diagnosed and treated, you can probably buy health coverage. However, the insurer may do one of three things:

  • provide full protection but with a higher premium, as might be the case with a chronic disease, such as diabetes;
  • modify the benefits to increase the deductible;
  • exclude the specific medical problem from coverage, if it is a clearly defined condition, as long as the insurer abides by state and federal laws on exclusions.

Q One of my medical bills was turned down by the insurance company (or health plan). Is there anything I can do?

A Ask the insurance company why the claim was rejected. If the answer is that the service isn’t covered under your policy, and you’re sure that it is covered, check to see that the provider entered the correct diagnosis or procedure code on the insurance claim form. Also check that your deductible was correctly calculated.

Make sure that you didn’t skip an essential step under your plan, such as pre admission certification. If everything is in order, ask the insurer to review the claim.

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