

Aetna Individual Health Insurance

Aetna (NYSE: ΑET) is one of the nation’s leaders in health care, dental, pharmacy, group life, and disability insurance, and employee benefits. Dedicated to helping people achieve health and financial security, Aetna puts information and helpful resources to work for its members to help them make better-informed decisions about their health care. (as of Dec. 31, 2010)


18.468 million medical members
13.747 million dental members
9.415 million pharmacy members

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Health Insurance

Arizona Health Insurance

Learning The Basics.

As you navigate your way around the world wide web looking for Arizona health insurance, there are things you should know in order to better help your understanding of this complicated market. Words like deductible, coinsurance, annual out of pocket maximum, copay, premium, HSA, and more should make at least basic sense before you submit that application. Arizona health insurance is complex and having a good broker is the best way to make sure you are fully aware of all the pros and cons in your decision.

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Health Insurance

Catastrophic Coverage

Catastrophic coverage health plans may sound scary but they can be a decent option both on and off the marketplace.  What Are Catastrophic Coverage Plans?

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Health Insurance

Cheap Health Insurance in Texas?

How do I find a good value?

If you look for cheap health insurance in Texas you may get exactly that. A policy that doesn’t cover your health insurance needs and leaves you in a bad financial situation if an illness or accident befalls you. To find a good value it is important to be honest with yourself and your broker about the amount you can fit into your budget for health insurance. You will want to be sure you don’t over estimate, if times do get lean health insurance shouldn’t be something that goes by the wayside as accidents and illnesses can harm our financial pictures if we aren’t flush with cash.

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Health Insurance

Buying Private Arizona Health

For some consumers, buying private Arizona Health Insurance is the only health coverage option. However, even if you have health insurance from your employer, private insurance may still be an option to save money. With Arizona Health Insurance premiums increasing every year and employers passing more of the costs onto their employees, your company’s health insurance may not be the best deal.

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average American worker contributes $779 for an individual health plan and $3,515 for a family health plan. Since this is an average, some employees may be paying much more.

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